• Add Google reCAPTCHA to Brightspot

    Add Google reCAPTCHA to Brightspot

    To add the Google reCAPTCHA to a Brightspot website, you need to create a reCAPTCHA v2. First, navigate to this website: https://www.google.com/u/0/recaptcha/admin/create, and login with the gmail account you want to use. Add a label, usually just the domain is fine(example.byu.edu). Choose the reCAPTCHA v2 type. Add domain. Add any…

  • Configure mobile push notification

    Configure mobile push notification

    There are few things that you will need to do before you can enable mobile push notification.  Uncomment following line on docker-compose.yml SETTING_PUSH_NOTIFICATION_BOUNCER_URL: ‘https://push.zulipchat.com’ register your server: since we are using docker container, so we will need to register the docker container as the server. # docker-zulip users can run…

  • Chinese Flagship CAS Login Error

    Chinese Flagship CAS Login Error

    Error message: phpCAS 1.3.3 using server https://cas.byu.edu/cas/ (CAS 2.0) exception ‘CAS_AuthenticationException’ in /var/www/newapply/application/casphp/CAS/Client.php:3203 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/newapply/application/casphp/CAS/Client.php(1409): CAS_Client->validateCAS20(‘https://cas.byu…’, ‘isAuthenticated() #2 /var/www/newapply/application/casphp/CAS.php(995): CAS_Client->checkAuthentication() #3 /var/www/newapply/application/controller/IndexController.php(47): phpCAS::checkAuthentication() #4 [internal function]: IndexController->authenticate(Object(Base), Array) #5 /var/www/newapply/application/lib/base.php(1658): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #6 /var/www/newapply/application/lib/base.php(1489): Base->call(‘IndexController…’, Array, ‘beforeroute,aft…’) #7 /var/www/newapply/application/index.php(90): Base->run() #8 {main}   Usually the error message above…

  • Zulip Docker Installation Error

    Zulip Docker Installation Error

    I encountered the following error message while I was installing zulip docker. It complaints that there is not enough space. Zulip development environment setup succeeded! ERROR: Service ‘zulip’ failed to build: Error processing tar file(exit status 1): write /usr/share/icons/Humanity/status/22/gsm-3g-medium-secure.svg: no space left on device As you can see that from…

  • Docker-zulip container server Installation apache2 server

    Docker-zulip container server Installation apache2 server

    According to Zulip support, Zulip has to work with nginx. However, in our situation, we want to avoid nginx and want to use apache2 instead. The only we resolve this issue is first install docker-zulip container which is a docker image and configure it. Then, we make docker-zulip container as…

  • Redirect all page request from one domain name to another domain name

    Redirect all page request from one domain name to another domain name

    If you need to redirect all requests of URL from one domain name to another one without special path on the new domain name, use the following method. (this is only redirect all requests to the index page of another domain name) <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName abc.byu.edu # redirect entire abc…