• SSO Login Issue – Mendix

    I have encountered a strange issue on Mendix website. The issue is that when I clicked on SSO login, I got the following error message. 404 not found, Nginx First, make sure that CAS configuration is configured on the website.   If everything looks okay. Then, login to your Mendix…

  • How to renew SSL on Mendix

    The following steps will show how you can renew SSL on Mendix. Mendix hosts its app on amazon AWS, so it has different way to renew its SSL. First you will need to create CSR from Mendix and then use the CRS you created to apply a new SSL from…

  • Systemd Script for Docker Container

    We use the following script to restart docker container when system gets reboot. root@servername:/etc/systemd/system# cat zulip-compose-app.service # /etc/systemd/system/zulip-compose-app.service [Unit] Description=Zulip Compose Application Service Requires=docker.service After=docker.service [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes WorkingDirectory=/srv/docker (docker container location) ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker-compose up -d (docker-compose command location, -d means run in the background) ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker-compose down TimeoutStartSec=0 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target Source:…

  • Basic Docker Command

    Basic Docker Command

    Docker-compose up -d will launch container from images again. docker-compose start to start the stopped containers, it never launches new containers from images.

  • How to upgrade zulip docker container

    How to upgrade zulip docker container

    If you need to upgrade zulip docker container, you simply go to docker-compose.yml under /srv/docker-zulip. Then, you need to change the version of zulip on docker-compose.yml zulip: image: “zulip/docker-zulip:4.8-1” build: context: . then rebuilt the zulip container. docker system prune -a docker-compose pull docker-compose up Ps: make sure have a…

  • When to use Elementor rather than default editor(Gatsby)

    When to use Elementor rather than default editor(Gatsby)

    Elementor is a visual-editor plugin that allows users to create dynamic pages efficiently. However, Elementor should only be used when it cannot be done on the default editor(Gatsby). Why we want to use Gatsby as much as possible is because it allows for a more uniform system, and less dependency…